How to manage your cyber risk

Cyber risk management

Australian organisations have traditionally been a little behind their global counterparts in the uptake of cybersecurity measures, with CIO magazine reporting that 85 per cent of Australian businesses have suffered a data breach. This is significantly above the global average of 60 per cent.  However, the introduction of the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme, as […]

Governance in the digital age – is your board ready?

Digital infrastructure, governance

Upgrading your organisation’s digital infrastructure was once a way to stand out from the crowd. Now, it’s a necessity in order to avoid missing out on the forecasted US $1.16 trillion increase in the Asia-Pacific region’s GDP by 2021 that widespread digital transformation will contribute (according to Microsoft & IDC Asia Pacific research). Digital business […]

Proposed changes to superannuation: The PFS POV

Jane Byrne, PFS Consulting, Professional Financial Solutions 1

Changes are coming for superannuation funds. In December, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) proposed adjustments to the way funds implement business objectives, measure their outcomes and make significant expenditure. Designed to produce better outcomes for members, the new standards will represent significant departures from current practice. Although only proposed, it’s highly likely that these measures […]